Kutschurgan Map

Original Villages

Source: From Catherine to Khruschev by Adam Giesinger

Though the 'daughter' villages were established for the overflow from the original colonies, they normally accommodated overflows from villages in other areas. By the end of the 19th century, descendants from the original villages were scattered across villages throughout the Odessa oblast.





1: Strassburg 2: Baden
3: Selz 4: Kandel
5: Mannheim 6: Elsass
Daughter Villages
A: Georgental B: Johannestal
C: Kellersheim D: Neu Strassburg
E: Neu Selz F: Neu Baden
G: Neu Kandel H: Neu Elsass
I: Neu Mannheim J: Bezilajewka
K: Brinnowka L: Jeremejewka
M: Panjatowka N: Kashary
O: Dikowa P: Wasiljewka
Q: Susanowka R: Tschebanka
S: Stepanowka T: Nowo Andreaschewka
U: Fischer-Franzen V: Rosaljewka
W: Matischowka X: Marjanowka
Y: Sachalski Z: Schatzen
Daughter Villages in Bessarabia:  
!: Balmas #: Larga


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